
hufff,, so bloated!!! that's the first sentence that comes out from my mind.. hehehe..
this is a GREAT DAYYY..
started from campus life.. it's really okay except my morning syndrome.. ahh..
feeling so bad when i must wake up in the morning.. bcoz, i'm totally not a morning person..
maybe i'll learn from someone expert to be a morning person..
today's lecture was not-so-boring.. hehehe..
okay,, let's move to another activity..
after went to campus,, i went out with ervanie n ruth to meet kath in city hall mrt..
we went to city hall mrt with bus no. 75..
and then,, we were stop at marina square..
then, after that.. bcoz of i'm so thirsty, finally we end up in 7/11 to buy MILO FREEZE..
ahhh.. it's so nice.. i like it a lot.
---few minutes left..
ruth and ervanie started to search BURGER KING..
they're so hungry..
after find BK,, they ordered the same meal.. DOUBLE TURKEY BACON.. hehehe..
free kit kat.. hahahahahaha.. so KIASU... weee..
at the first time,, i didn't order anything..
but,, just for few minutes.. i ordered taro turnover and cheesy chicken stick..
around 6 pm,, kath told that she's already in suntec. so,, we went to suntec mrt to meet kath..
after meet kath,, we went to foodcourt and ordered DIJON sumthin like that.. hehehe..
and finally,, we gave kath bday cakes.. haha 2 bday cakes.. hehe 1 is hellokitty and the other 1 is chocolate cake.
--- 6.45 now...
we were in a rush to go to NCC for Bible study..
so, we ran like crazzy people.. hahaha
then, after the Bible study is over..
we started to hunting some foods again..
finally,, we end up in the cafe cartel..
erv ordered NY CHEESECAKE,, kath ordered FISH sumthing,, ruth ordered OREO FRAPPE,, and me ordered CITRUS BERRY frozen fruit..
so bloateddd..
but,, todayy is a greattt day..
i'm BLESSED today..
thanks for my friendsss.. kath,erv,and ruth..
thanksssss alot.. you ROCK my world,,guyss!!!
thanks to my LORD JESUS,,too.. You're so AWESOME,Dad..!! *speechless*
JBU all
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