Monday, February 02, 2009

preferably black or red!!

You Should Drive a Pink Car

You're the type of driver who really loves your car.

You can make a car last for ages - or take good care of a vintage ride.

You're independent, creative, and very expressive.

You consider your car a part of you ... and you want to make it as funky as possible.


You Are Cereal

Playful and lighthearted, breakfast is likely your favorite meal of the day.

(In fact, you're probably the type who sneaks cereal as a midnight snack.)

Your culinary skills are probably a bit lacking... and you are a sucker for junk food.

Some people accuse you of eating like a kid, but you prefer to think of yourself as low maintenance.

funhouse, am i?

You Are a Funhouse

You are an open, flexible person who is able to see the world through many perspectives.

Self reflective and honest, you're able to take a hard, objective look at yourself (even if you don't like what you see!).

In relationships, you are a bit of a narcissist. But you can't really help it...

You're by far the most interesting person you know!

Your life is a bit perplexing. Things aren't always what they seem - even to you.

You've successfully cultivated an enigmatic reputation. But you're still a mystery to yourself.

Deep down, you often feel a little lost in the world. And you're okay with that.

Trapdoors and dead ends are something you expect. You just enjoy figuring out what it all means.

At your best, you are self aware and savvy.

You know yourself well... including where you've been and where you're going.

At your worst, you are vain, self centered, and egotistical.

You sometimes look so far inward... it's the only thing you see.

i'm a DAD???

You Are the Father

You are a strong, powerful figure in the lives of your friends and families.

In general, you value justice and fairness. You appreciate structure and rules.

At your best, you protect and guide those close to you.

You are a born leader. You are good at establishing order in chaotic situations.

At your worst, you are a tyrant who rules through intimidation and criticism.

You are quick to condemn other people as pathetic losers not worth your time.

this is what my handbags say about me.. haha

What Your Handbag Says About You

You tend to be relaxed throughout the day. You are naturally at peace.

You are a high maintenance person. You feel lost outside of your normal environment.

You are a very creative person. Your life tends to be a whirlwind, but you always seem to pull it together.

You are practical and down to earth. You tend to be a rather reserved and quiet person.

You are a very unique and special person. There's no one else who is anything like you.

yay.. i tend to be FRIDAY the frightened day!

You Are Friday

Like this day of the week, you are ruled by Venus.

More than anything, you are outgoing.

You are a very affectionate, caring person. You love being with others.

Deep down, you crave attention. You are secretly quite vain.

Friday tends to be a very social day, which fits you perfectly.

You don't like the structure of the work week. You're always waiting for the weekend.

chicken noodle soup.. hmm..

You Are Chicken Noodle Soup

You are a traditional and conservative person. You value the past, and change frightens you.

You are very loyal, especially to your family. You prefer a low-key life, with lots of time spent at home.

You like soup because it's easy, quick, and cheap.

You tend to have a favorite soup you stick to. Why change a good thing?

i'm an ALT?

You Are "alt"

Some people might find you to be strange, mysterious, and even a bit off putting.

You tend to be drawn to and influenced by alternative lifestyles. You're definitely not normal.

Once people get to know you, they realize you're interesting, intriguing, and very intelligent.

You have a lot of knowledge stored in that big brain of yours. Most of it is useless knowledge, but some of it is very useful.

simbiosis mutualisme..


itulah mungkin sebagian kecil yg bisa mewakili keadaan hati gw sekarang!
gw bener" lagi terpuruk..
entah harus gimana lagi gw menghadapi semua ini.
gw cuma bisa pasrah mungkin.
udah ga ada yang peduli juga sama gw..
bahkan orang" yg ngakunya SAHABAT, malah nganggep gw aneh! hmm.. gimana ga aneh?
jelaslaah gw aneh, orang keadaan kok yang bikin gw kaya gini. keadaan yg bikin mental gw terganggu.. bikin kondisi psikis gw terguncang dengan sangat hebat. sungguh hidup memang kejam.

gimana ya memulainya? gw sendiri juga bingung kalo disuruh nyeritain dari awal.
ahahaha mungkin yg udah pernah baca postingan di blog gw sebelum"nya udah ngerti kalii kenapa gw bisa ngadepin situasi yang kaya skrg..


penyebabnya adalah karena cowo.. hmmm...
keluarga gw ga setuju sama hubungan yg gw jalanin ini, gw bener" terpuruk.

dan yang tadinya "dia" yakin sama hubungan ini, malah berubah haluan jadi ga yakin. SHITTT MAN..
gw bingung sejadi"nya.. MAUNYA APA?

dan yang bikin gw tambah gundah gulana,resah,dan uring"an adalah..
such a liar!!
gw benci dibohongin..
gw benci ditipu
gw benci ditutup"in dari kenyataan yg ada!

gw udah ngasih kepercayaan penuh ke dia..
tp kenapa begini jadinya???
kalo gw berbuat begitu, apa dia mau nerima alesan gw?????

sungguh makhluk adam ga ada yg bisa ngebuat gw 100% settle..
mereka pengen dipercaya, tp ga bisa ngejaga kepercayaan. bagaimanakah kaum hawa mempertahankan kepercayaannyaaaa??


kalian membuat para kaum hawa harap-harap cemas menunggu kabar..
kalian membuat para kaum hawa kehilangan kepercayaan..
kalian membuat kaum hawa yg lemah ini semakin terpuruk ke dalam keadaan yg sangat sulit..
keberadaan kalian hanya membuat kami para kaum hawa terkadang naik ke awang" dan di lain waktu kalian hanyalah seonggok manusia ga berguna yang membuat kami terjun bebas dari awang" khayalan yg SEOLAH" kalian buat indah ituu..

yang kubutuhkan hanyalah rasa aman dan nyaman serta rasa saling percaya yang sungguh".. bukan rasa percaya yg datang dari setu pihak. seperti simbiosis mutualisme yg saling menguntungkan.. bukan simbiosis parasitisme yg merugikan salah satu pihak.
