hari ini capeee buangetss.
janjinya latian nyanyi jem 10.
gw dah bangun dari jem 8.
siap2. . . .
tp teteup aja ada yg ngaret. huff..
hari ini gw beli t-shirt junkfood.
yg little miss trouble sama yg tulisan blowpop
senenggg skalii..
hari ini itin telponn!!
ya ampunn.. kangen bgttt ama dy!!
pengen cpet2 ketemu..
dy abis beliin titipan gw gt.
hoodies junkfood yg tulisannya little miss giggles
warnanya ijo!!
sesuaiii harapan gw!! huaa,, thankss bgt to itin!!
makasi juga buat penyokong dana,, papi + mami..
uda dl ya..
i'm hitting the bed now..
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
get bored!
bosennn belajar IR.
pengen refreshing sambil nulis blog.
kangen dah lama bgtt gw ga nulis blog.
hari ini anak2 greja pada ke sentosa..!!
ingin skaliii ikut.
tp apa daya,, bahan IR super berjubel.huff..
12 hari lagi menuju hari2 yg unpredictable
pengen cpet2 jalan ama ezra!
kangen bgt sama zra..
pgn beliin kado buat tika.
pengen beliin oleh2 buat yg laen juga.
inginnn skaliii.. segeraaa!!
pengen menikmati great sale..
pengen beli jaket junkfood + slipper havaiannas.huhu
pokoke abis exam,, gw pengen belanjaaaa!!
pengen ke greja terus.
pengen menyibukkan diriii..
ga pengen sediii dan ga pgn inget2 kesedihannn.. hikssss..
ya uda deh,, mao lanjut belajar IR dl..
bosennn belajar IR.
pengen refreshing sambil nulis blog.
kangen dah lama bgtt gw ga nulis blog.
hari ini anak2 greja pada ke sentosa..!!
ingin skaliii ikut.
tp apa daya,, bahan IR super berjubel.huff..
12 hari lagi menuju hari2 yg unpredictable
pengen cpet2 jalan ama ezra!
kangen bgt sama zra..
pgn beliin kado buat tika.
pengen beliin oleh2 buat yg laen juga.
inginnn skaliii.. segeraaa!!
pengen menikmati great sale..
pengen beli jaket junkfood + slipper havaiannas.huhu
pokoke abis exam,, gw pengen belanjaaaa!!
pengen ke greja terus.
pengen menyibukkan diriii..
ga pengen sediii dan ga pgn inget2 kesedihannn.. hikssss..
ya uda deh,, mao lanjut belajar IR dl..
emotional disorder
hari ini keseeell bgt.
sama kaya 2 hari yg lalu..
hmmm,, kenapa yaa keselnya.. ga ngerti juga.. pokoke yg pasti gw kesel bgt!!!!
gw ga bisa bilang sii..
karna menyangkut orang di dket gw.
terserah deh gw mao dibilang munafik apa gimana,, yg pasti gw ga ngomongin dy di belakang,,
dan gw lebi milih buat diem dibanding ngomong langsung ke orangnya.
karna gw MALES buat ngomongin masalah ini ke orangnya.
gw bukan tipe orang yg kalo ada masalah apa langsung ngomong,,
gw lebi milih diem dan nyimpen semuanya sendiri.
soalnya gw dah kebiasaan dari dl kaya gini.
toh,, kalo gw omongin pun ga bakal ngerubah keadaan?
so buat apa ngomong??
mendingan diem aja..
gw lebi seneng kalo orang yg bikin gw kesel nyadar sendiri dibanding gw harus ngomong.
gw benci dianggep GOBLOK.
gw benci diremehin.
kalo emg banyak orang mikir gw ga berprestasi di bidang pelajaran..
gw ga msalah..
yg pasti gw bisa berbangga hati karna gw bisa berprestasi dalam bidang laen..
dan gw bisa berbangga hati karna gw,, AT LEAST,, punya Tuhan!
dan gw tau Tuhan gw sayang sama gw.
daripada orang yg mungkin berhasil di bidang pelajaran,, tp tohh dy ga kenal siapa Tuhan dy.
lebi untung gw kaaann?
udah ah.. gw bener2 lagi kesel..
semoga gw kaya gini karna efek PMS.
gw berharap emosinya cepet reda.
ga pengen lama2 kaya gini.
hadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddduhhh.. keseeeeeeeellllllll
tapi ga bisa berbuat apa2..
gw bt sama diri gw sendiri.
kenapa sii gw ga bisa ngomong langsung kalo gw kesel?
kenapa gw ga bisa ngomel2 dan ngeluarin emosi gw?
kenapaa gw lebi milih buat DIEM?
dan cuma bisa nangiss????
plissssss dongggg,naaaaa..
hari ini keseeell bgt.
sama kaya 2 hari yg lalu..
hmmm,, kenapa yaa keselnya.. ga ngerti juga.. pokoke yg pasti gw kesel bgt!!!!
gw ga bisa bilang sii..
karna menyangkut orang di dket gw.
terserah deh gw mao dibilang munafik apa gimana,, yg pasti gw ga ngomongin dy di belakang,,
dan gw lebi milih buat diem dibanding ngomong langsung ke orangnya.
karna gw MALES buat ngomongin masalah ini ke orangnya.
gw bukan tipe orang yg kalo ada masalah apa langsung ngomong,,
gw lebi milih diem dan nyimpen semuanya sendiri.
soalnya gw dah kebiasaan dari dl kaya gini.
toh,, kalo gw omongin pun ga bakal ngerubah keadaan?
so buat apa ngomong??
mendingan diem aja..
gw lebi seneng kalo orang yg bikin gw kesel nyadar sendiri dibanding gw harus ngomong.
gw benci dianggep GOBLOK.
gw benci diremehin.
kalo emg banyak orang mikir gw ga berprestasi di bidang pelajaran..
gw ga msalah..
yg pasti gw bisa berbangga hati karna gw bisa berprestasi dalam bidang laen..
dan gw bisa berbangga hati karna gw,, AT LEAST,, punya Tuhan!
dan gw tau Tuhan gw sayang sama gw.
daripada orang yg mungkin berhasil di bidang pelajaran,, tp tohh dy ga kenal siapa Tuhan dy.
lebi untung gw kaaann?
udah ah.. gw bener2 lagi kesel..
semoga gw kaya gini karna efek PMS.
gw berharap emosinya cepet reda.
ga pengen lama2 kaya gini.
hadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddduhhh.. keseeeeeeeellllllll
tapi ga bisa berbuat apa2..
gw bt sama diri gw sendiri.
kenapa sii gw ga bisa ngomong langsung kalo gw kesel?
kenapa gw ga bisa ngomel2 dan ngeluarin emosi gw?
kenapaa gw lebi milih buat DIEM?
dan cuma bisa nangiss????
plissssss dongggg,naaaaa..
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
this is the 2nd post today..
now i wanna make a shopping centres list from 4 june - 12 june :
4th of June
1. nganterin erv sama menong ke airport
2. pergi ke takashimaya, wisma atria, cineleisure. [ lookin for junkfood t-shirts and jacket ]
3. go home.
5th of June
1. nge-gym
2. going to paragon [ buying some groceries ]
3. ke miracle service
4. go home.
6th of June
1. swimming
2. going to vivocity [ hunting ]
3. doa di rumah inge/yura
4. go home
7th of June
1. jalan2 ke marina square
2. bible study
3. bikin salad buah
4. relaxing
8th of June
1. latian choir
2. bikin makanan
3. hunting barang di boonlay.
4. go home
9th of June
1. latian choir
2. latian band
3. hunting barang buat oleh2
4. beresin koper
10th of June
1. ke greja
2. go home
11th of June
1. ke bugis [ hunting barang2 ]
2. go home
12th of June
1. jemput zra
2. jalan2 kemanapun dy mao.. :D
3. go home
now i wanna make a shopping centres list from 4 june - 12 june :
4th of June
1. nganterin erv sama menong ke airport
2. pergi ke takashimaya, wisma atria, cineleisure. [ lookin for junkfood t-shirts and jacket ]
3. go home.
5th of June
1. nge-gym
2. going to paragon [ buying some groceries ]
3. ke miracle service
4. go home.
6th of June
1. swimming
2. going to vivocity [ hunting ]
3. doa di rumah inge/yura
4. go home
7th of June
1. jalan2 ke marina square
2. bible study
3. bikin salad buah
4. relaxing
8th of June
1. latian choir
2. bikin makanan
3. hunting barang di boonlay.
4. go home
9th of June
1. latian choir
2. latian band
3. hunting barang buat oleh2
4. beresin koper
10th of June
1. ke greja
2. go home
11th of June
1. ke bugis [ hunting barang2 ]
2. go home
12th of June
1. jemput zra
2. jalan2 kemanapun dy mao.. :D
3. go home
cravin' for some foods
just wanna make a food list.
here we go!!
1. semar mendem
2. nasi gila
3. gorengan
4. ambokweh
5. lumpia basah bogor
6. ngohiang bogor
7. batakuah
8. mie uleg
9. nasi goreng tek2
10. risoles
11. ikan bakar
12. keong nenek
13. nasi goreng ujung pandang
14. martabak telor
15. fuyunghai
16. nasi padang
17. kwetiaw sirem sapi
18. sop buntut bakar
19. ayam goreng pemuda
20. tahu kipas
21. kue bola pandan
22. ubi bakar
23. sotong cabe
24. gudeg
25. nasi uduk kebon kacang
26. pastel macik
27. lontong sayur buatan mami
28. semur ayam
29. caipo buatan mami
30. mie taryo
see,, how greedy i am.. hahaaha.
i wanna eat that foods at once.
let u know the REAL me.
here we go!!
1. semar mendem
2. nasi gila
3. gorengan
4. ambokweh
5. lumpia basah bogor
6. ngohiang bogor
7. batakuah
8. mie uleg
9. nasi goreng tek2
10. risoles
11. ikan bakar
12. keong nenek
13. nasi goreng ujung pandang
14. martabak telor
15. fuyunghai
16. nasi padang
17. kwetiaw sirem sapi
18. sop buntut bakar
19. ayam goreng pemuda
20. tahu kipas
21. kue bola pandan
22. ubi bakar
23. sotong cabe
24. gudeg
25. nasi uduk kebon kacang
26. pastel macik
27. lontong sayur buatan mami
28. semur ayam
29. caipo buatan mami
30. mie taryo
see,, how greedy i am.. hahaaha.
i wanna eat that foods at once.
let u know the REAL me.
Friday, February 09, 2007
happy day..

hufff,, so bloated!!! that's the first sentence that comes out from my mind.. hehehe..
this is a GREAT DAYYY..
started from campus life.. it's really okay except my morning syndrome.. ahh..
feeling so bad when i must wake up in the morning.. bcoz, i'm totally not a morning person..
maybe i'll learn from someone expert to be a morning person..
today's lecture was not-so-boring.. hehehe..
okay,, let's move to another activity..
after went to campus,, i went out with ervanie n ruth to meet kath in city hall mrt..
we went to city hall mrt with bus no. 75..
and then,, we were stop at marina square..
then, after that.. bcoz of i'm so thirsty, finally we end up in 7/11 to buy MILO FREEZE..
ahhh.. it's so nice.. i like it a lot.
---few minutes left..
ruth and ervanie started to search BURGER KING..
they're so hungry..
after find BK,, they ordered the same meal.. DOUBLE TURKEY BACON.. hehehe..
free kit kat.. hahahahahaha.. so KIASU... weee..
at the first time,, i didn't order anything..
but,, just for few minutes.. i ordered taro turnover and cheesy chicken stick..
around 6 pm,, kath told that she's already in suntec. so,, we went to suntec mrt to meet kath..
after meet kath,, we went to foodcourt and ordered DIJON sumthin like that.. hehehe..
and finally,, we gave kath bday cakes.. haha 2 bday cakes.. hehe 1 is hellokitty and the other 1 is chocolate cake.
--- 6.45 now...
we were in a rush to go to NCC for Bible study..
so, we ran like crazzy people.. hahaha
then, after the Bible study is over..
we started to hunting some foods again..
finally,, we end up in the cafe cartel..
erv ordered NY CHEESECAKE,, kath ordered FISH sumthing,, ruth ordered OREO FRAPPE,, and me ordered CITRUS BERRY frozen fruit..
so bloateddd..
but,, todayy is a greattt day..
i'm BLESSED today..
thanks for my friendsss.. kath,erv,and ruth..
thanksssss alot.. you ROCK my world,,guyss!!!
thanks to my LORD JESUS,,too.. You're so AWESOME,Dad..!! *speechless*
JBU all
Sunday, February 04, 2007
miss my besties

now, i'm staying inside my room..
thinkin bout my family,my lovely friends in jkt,and all of my best in indo!
** i miss my [DADDY] = papii.. nana kangen papi.. bentar lage nana pulang.. minta duit yah,pi? hihihihi papi gendutt.. jangan banyak makan lagi.. nanti tambah gendutttt.. olahraga yg banyak yaa? diet juga..
** i miss my [MOMMY] = mami.. jgn sakit" terus yah.. jangan stress mikirin louis.. hehehe gigit aja mi idungnya.. nanti kalo nana balik, mami masakin makanan yg banyak yaaa.. nana bosen sama makanan disini.. ga pengen makan..
** i miss my [IKA GENDUT] = hey, my silly partner in crime.. my sis.. genduttt!!! lo jangan macem" yah di ruma. awas lo kalo macem".. jagain papi mami.. jagain louis juga.. hehehe.. dut,, bentar lage gw balikkkk.. jalan" yaahh.. gendutt,, miss u..!!
** i miss my [LOUIS] = chayank louisss,, nanti pas aku pulangg.. aku mao bobo sama kamuu yaa.. km minta mandi dl sama mami sono.. hihihi.. mao gigit idung kamu sampe puas.. hhihi.. nanti aku cium" yahh.. mwah".. kangenn.. nanti aku bwain tulang yg banyak yaa? jangan bandel".. jangan bikin mami stress mikirin kamu.. kalo kamu bikin stress,, nanti ga aku bawain tulang loh yg banyak.. hihihi hayoo.. takut kan??
** i miss my [ADITH] = aduth,, jangan stres mikirin qta ya.. go with the flow aja.. keyh?
** i miss my [EZRA] = bro duttt.. kangennnnn broo!!!!! nanti pas pulang,, gw mao ke ruma lo ya.. nanti gw bawain burger king yg banyak buat lo.. duh,, tetanggaaaa.. kangenn bgt sama lo!!!!!!!!! bener" butuh crita nii,zraa!! bae" yah di jkt.. jangan lupa ke sg.. kalo ke sg, nginep di ruma gw aja.. hehehe
** i miss my [TIQA] = tikaaaaaacrutt... hikss.. mikirin lo aja bisa nangiss.. hiks hiks.. butuh elo disini.. bener" butuh.. nanti pas gw balik,, qta bersenang" yah.. makan yg banyak di jkt.. hahaha yuhuuu.. tikacrut sayang,, kesini dong.. pengen bgt lo ada disini.. huhuhuhu.. kapan mao kasi makan si army menthos lage? hahaha.. miss u soo my sis..
** i miss my [GREG] = dd genduttttku chayankkkkkkk.. kangen kamuuhhhhhh!! *peluk-peluk* nanti kalo gw balik ke indo,, qta jalan" yah.. kangen ajut"an di mobil sushi lo.. hahaha.. skrg dah ganti mobil sii yaa?? ga seruu d.. hihihi..
** i miss my [DONTJE] = donnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,, sorry yah.. kalo gw sering ga ada kalo lo sediihh.. maap bgt don.. i love u my funny friend!!!!! jangan sedii" yah don.. life goes on.. i know u cannn do itt!!!!
** i miss my [CLEMENT] = menggiheee.. suara cempreng lo ga ada yg punya disiniiiiii.... cuma elooo yg punya.. dasar gigi "MASUB".. hahaha kangenn, menkk!!! bandung lageee yoookk? hehehe
** i miss my [REINER] = papa bearrr!! si gendutt.. bandung dongggsss.. bandung dongss!! hehehe
** i miss my [JEPROT] = prottt,, temen kecilkuuu yg dah kurang ajar skrggggg.. huh.. hehehe penculikk sejati gw.. hhahahaha.. selalu nyulik gw kalo balik dari oz.. hahaha kangen boss diculik sama lo..!! makan ernie pagi" buta,, makan mcD tengah malem,, liat bencong" ga jelas di pinggir jalan,, sisha di little baghdad sampe tenggorokan kering..!! hahaha miss u miss u..!!!
** i miss my [NANA] = nana.. kembaran nama.. hehehe.. na,, kangen bgt sama lo.. nanti sinchia balik yahh dari bandung.. naaaa,, kangen makan salad bareng lo.. duh,, partner makan salad gw menghilangggg.. ahhhhhh.. nana nana nana.. temenkuw yg lucuu.. kangennn!!
** i miss my [EDWIN] = win,, kangen kekonyolan elo bersama si febian.. kangen jadi partner badminton lo lage.. hahaha miss u win.. JBU.
** i miss my [IRENE] = irene bangkonggg!!temen shopping gw.. si pecinta korea.. hehehe.. nanti qta narsis"an lage yaaa.. foto" pake kameranya sii ezra.. hehehe.. colong kameranya ezra.. hahaha..
** i miss my [NITA] = nit, waktu gw balik kmrn ga sempet ketemu yaa? moga" pas gw balik yg kali ini bakal ketemuan yah sama elo.. ahahahaha.. nanti qta foto" gaya pendekat lage ya kaya waktu ret". hehehe seruuu bgtt..kangen lo nitt..
** i miss my [MELISSA ANGIE] = miss jutekkk.. kapan niii ropit lagee? hayoooo.. rencanainnnnn sama anak".. gw tinggal ngacir ke ropitt.. bae" yah sama hans.. love u sis..
** i miss my [TIKONG] = tika kingkonggg... makannn terusss konggg,, sampe kaya kingkongg.. hahahahaha tetep ajaaa yeehh badan lo kerempengg.. hehehe cuma napsu makan lo yg kaya kingkonggg.. kong,, 3gossipers harus gathering ya pas gw balik.. nanti gw contact" lo lage.. pokoke we'll have fun together.. love u sis..
** i miss my [ROBIN] = walah.. bibin kecilkuwww... dah punya cewe lage yaa skrg? ciehh.. awet" yahh bin sama betsi.. u'll be in my heart.. u're one of my precious too.. hihihi.. binnnnnnn,, jangan lupain aku yaaa? jangan somse"..
** i miss my [ROBERT] = bett, pengen liat cj dongs.. hehehe.. gmn bet? dah dapet cewe lage belom? koq ga ada kabarnya? salam yah buat cici.. salam kangenn bilanginn.. hihihi
** i miss my [CICI EVITA] = ciciiiiiiiiiiiiii... aku doain langgeng terus sampe akhir hayat memisahkan sama k'ardii.. hehe.. c u soon my sis.. wish u all d best..
** i miss my [K'ARDI] = k'ardi.. kakak juara badminton.. ck ck ck ck ck.. ga disangka.. hehehe ajarin aku lage kakkk.. smash aku masi payah nii.. hehehe.. jadi inget waktu itu latian smash ama k'ardi.. akuuu kalahh.. weeee.. gawat.. keabisan tenaga.. ahhhh.. payah nii..
** i miss my [DENA] = denaaa.. sayangg!! nanti kita kumpul lage yah sama semuanya di starbucks.. laffya sist..
** i miss my [SHARY] = caiii.. janjiii yahh.. bakal ngumpulin anak" pas gw pulanggg... okeii hunn??
** i miss my [OCHA] = darlingg... harusss ketemuuuuu yaa pas gw balikkkkkk.. haruss.. kalo ga gw nangiss!
** i miss my [MANTHO] = manthoo.. u know what? qta dah ga bisa tukeran betis lage.. coz,, betis lo dah berbuluu.. ga mulus kaya dl lageee... ciehh,, jadi lelaki dewasa niii yeeeee? hahahahaha.. miss u thoo..
** i miss my [SHANTI] = heyy..yaa.. shan,, jangan ga ikut ngmpul yaaa kalo gw balikk.. harus hrus harusss..!!
** i miss my [IRENE] = ireneee.. sii ibu lemot.. jangan ga ngumpulll.... kangen sama kelemotan eloo! mwah"..
fiuhhhh,, miss all offff theeeemmm..
wanna go back to indo soonn!!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
wise men say only fools rush in..
what can i say today?
still love him..
still in love with him..
still falling in love with him..
still thinking about him
still can't forget every little moment with him
still stuckkkkkkkk with him
stressed out!
what can i say today?
still love him..
still in love with him..
still falling in love with him..
still thinking about him
still can't forget every little moment with him
still stuckkkkkkkk with him
stressed out!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
i heart You,God!
i'm just like dreams come true!!
Thanks to my Lord Jesus.. finally, i went to GMB concert.. fiuh..
i saw Sidney Mohede!!!
yea yeaaaaa
i'm so sparkling.
i can praise God, i can shout out loud JESUS' name..
oh God,, i want to praise You in every breathe i take..
i took a picture with Sidney..
what a great day!
usually, i just can hear his voice in my ipod..
now, i can hear his voice LIVEE!!!!!!!
i'm just too love You,Lord..
Thanks to my Lord Jesus.. finally, i went to GMB concert.. fiuh..
i saw Sidney Mohede!!!
yea yeaaaaa
i'm so sparkling.
i can praise God, i can shout out loud JESUS' name..
oh God,, i want to praise You in every breathe i take..
i took a picture with Sidney..
what a great day!
usually, i just can hear his voice in my ipod..
now, i can hear his voice LIVEE!!!!!!!
i'm just too love You,Lord..
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
grounded, i'm feeling so blue. so woozy. so grievous.i'm grounded with hang-dog feeling...
there's a girl who loves a boy.
their relationship started around 1 year ago.
they have a lot of altered characteristic.
the boy is a cool person, childish, very bad negative thinking , 100% loves his girl , jealous person , romantic , too realistic person.
nonetheless, the girl is very funny and talkative girl , careless , a "day-dreaming" type person , not 100% loves her boy , can't be so expressive.
this couple is going through a long distance relationship now.
sometimes this couple can be so happy.. but in the other hand, this couple can be extremely damage of feeling.
the boy : "i love u so much my girl"
the girl : "yes.i know"
the boy : "only that??"
the girl : "of course. what else?? what would u expect from my answer?"
the boy : "hmmm, at least u reply the same sentence to me."
the girl : "oh, okay, i love u so much my boy."
the boy : " GOD.. nevermind"
will this kind of relationship last forever??
there's a girl who loves a boy.
their relationship started around 1 year ago.
they have a lot of altered characteristic.
the boy is a cool person, childish, very bad negative thinking , 100% loves his girl , jealous person , romantic , too realistic person.
nonetheless, the girl is very funny and talkative girl , careless , a "day-dreaming" type person , not 100% loves her boy , can't be so expressive.
this couple is going through a long distance relationship now.
sometimes this couple can be so happy.. but in the other hand, this couple can be extremely damage of feeling.
the boy : "i love u so much my girl"
the girl : "yes.i know"
the boy : "only that??"
the girl : "of course. what else?? what would u expect from my answer?"
the boy : "hmmm, at least u reply the same sentence to me."
the girl : "oh, okay, i love u so much my boy."
the boy : " GOD.. nevermind"
will this kind of relationship last forever??
crime and punishment
ce monde est divinement parfait pour passionnant pour savoir que mon Dieu l'a projeté avant que ce monde soit fait..
An excerpt from "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran
Then one of the judges of the city stood forth and said,
"Speak to us of Crime and Punishment."
And he answered saying:
It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind,
That you, alone and unguarded, commit a wrong unto others
and therefore unto yourself.
And for that wrong committed must you
knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.
Like the ocean is your god-self; It remains for ever undefiled.
And like the ether it lifts but the winged.
Even like the sun is your god-self;
It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.
But your god-self does not dwell alone in your being.
Much in you is still man, and much in you is not yet man,
But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep
in the mist searching for its own awakening.
And of the man in you would I now speak.
For it is he and not your god-self nor the pigmy in the mist,
that knows crime and the punishment of crime.
Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong
as though he were not one of you,
but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world.
But I say that even as the holy and the righteous
cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you,
So the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower
than the lowest which is in you also.
And as a single leaf turns not yellow but
with the silent knowledge of the whole tree,
So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong
without the hidden will of you all.
Like a procession you walk together towards your god-self.
You are the way and the wayfarers.
And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him,
a caution against the stumbling stone.
Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him,
who though faster and surer of foot,
yet removed not the stumbling stone.
And this also, though the word lie heavy upon your hearts:
The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder,
And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.
The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,
And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.
Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured,
And still more often the condemned is the burden-bearer
for the guiltless and unblamed.
You cannot separate the just from the unjust
and the good from the wicked;
For they stand together before the face of the sun
even as the black thread and the white are woven together.
And when the black thread breaks,
the weaver shall look into the whole cloth,
and he shall examine the loom also.
If any of you would bring judgment the unfaithful wife,
Let him also weight the heart of her husband in scales,
and measure his soul with measurements.
And let him who would lash the offender
look unto the spirit of the offended.
And if any of you would punish in the name of righteousness
and lay the ax unto the evil tree,
let him see to its roots;
And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad,
the fruitful and the fruitless,
all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.
And you judges who would be just,
What judgment pronounce you upon him who
though honest in the flesh yet is a thief in spirit?
What penalty lay you upon him who
slays in the flesh yet is himself slain in the spirit?
And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor,
Yet who also is aggrieved and outraged?
And how shall you punish those whose
remorse is already greater than their misdeeds?
Is not remorse the justice which is administered
by that very law which you would fain serve?
Yet you cannot lay remorse upon the innocent nor
lift it from the heart of the guilty.
Unbidden shall it call in the night,
that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.
And you who would understand justice, how shall you
unless you look upon all deeds in the fullness of light?
Only then shall you know that the erect and the fallen are but one man
standing in twilight between the night
of his pigmy-self and the day of his god-self,
And that the corner-stone of the temple is not higher
than the lowest stone in its foundation.
An excerpt from "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran
Then one of the judges of the city stood forth and said,
"Speak to us of Crime and Punishment."
And he answered saying:
It is when your spirit goes wandering upon the wind,
That you, alone and unguarded, commit a wrong unto others
and therefore unto yourself.
And for that wrong committed must you
knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.
Like the ocean is your god-self; It remains for ever undefiled.
And like the ether it lifts but the winged.
Even like the sun is your god-self;
It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.
But your god-self does not dwell alone in your being.
Much in you is still man, and much in you is not yet man,
But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep
in the mist searching for its own awakening.
And of the man in you would I now speak.
For it is he and not your god-self nor the pigmy in the mist,
that knows crime and the punishment of crime.
Oftentimes have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong
as though he were not one of you,
but a stranger unto you and an intruder upon your world.
But I say that even as the holy and the righteous
cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you,
So the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower
than the lowest which is in you also.
And as a single leaf turns not yellow but
with the silent knowledge of the whole tree,
So the wrong-doer cannot do wrong
without the hidden will of you all.
Like a procession you walk together towards your god-self.
You are the way and the wayfarers.
And when one of you falls down he falls for those behind him,
a caution against the stumbling stone.
Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him,
who though faster and surer of foot,
yet removed not the stumbling stone.
And this also, though the word lie heavy upon your hearts:
The murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder,
And the robbed is not blameless in being robbed.
The righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the wicked,
And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.
Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured,
And still more often the condemned is the burden-bearer
for the guiltless and unblamed.
You cannot separate the just from the unjust
and the good from the wicked;
For they stand together before the face of the sun
even as the black thread and the white are woven together.
And when the black thread breaks,
the weaver shall look into the whole cloth,
and he shall examine the loom also.
If any of you would bring judgment the unfaithful wife,
Let him also weight the heart of her husband in scales,
and measure his soul with measurements.
And let him who would lash the offender
look unto the spirit of the offended.
And if any of you would punish in the name of righteousness
and lay the ax unto the evil tree,
let him see to its roots;
And verily he will find the roots of the good and the bad,
the fruitful and the fruitless,
all entwined together in the silent heart of the earth.
And you judges who would be just,
What judgment pronounce you upon him who
though honest in the flesh yet is a thief in spirit?
What penalty lay you upon him who
slays in the flesh yet is himself slain in the spirit?
And how prosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor,
Yet who also is aggrieved and outraged?
And how shall you punish those whose
remorse is already greater than their misdeeds?
Is not remorse the justice which is administered
by that very law which you would fain serve?
Yet you cannot lay remorse upon the innocent nor
lift it from the heart of the guilty.
Unbidden shall it call in the night,
that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.
And you who would understand justice, how shall you
unless you look upon all deeds in the fullness of light?
Only then shall you know that the erect and the fallen are but one man
standing in twilight between the night
of his pigmy-self and the day of his god-self,
And that the corner-stone of the temple is not higher
than the lowest stone in its foundation.
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