ya ampun..
ga nyangka.. akhirnya perasaan2 itu kembali mewarnai hari2 gw..
ok, lupakan sejenak ttg warna warni perasaan itu..
easter break ini kayanya bakal seru ni.
tadi pagi bokap nanya2 mau kemana gitu..
bokap sih pengennya ke bangkok. tapi sayang banget ga sih? masa ke bangkok cuma 3 hari? akhirnya bokap gw usul ke pulau bintan.. gilaaa, masa ke riau?? jauhhh cuy..
akhirnya muncullah setitik ide di kepala gw, ngajakin liburan ke pulau umang.. :)
ada perlawanan sih dari nyokap gw gara" nyokap gw tuh phobia pulau.. aneh bgt. cuma that's the fact. sebel bgtt.. pokoknya mustii berjuang niii supaya bisa kesana.
uda banyak hal" seru yang malang melintang di kepala gw kalo jadi ke pulau.
ciaaaaaaaaaaatt.. inginnnnnnnn ingiiiiiiiinnn inginnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... :)
tiba2 kangen banget sama metta + erv..
kangen tidur barenggggg..
roomies oh roomies..
kangen kaliannn..
kangen housemates juga..
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
what a confusing day
hari ini aga" males kemana" ni.
mustinya hari ini ikut acara siaran prambors.. di campus playlists.
tapiiii.. i can't make it. i cant work my ass to get there. huhu
guys, akhir" ini gw lagi bikin rencana buat bday blast gw ni..
pengennya pas hari H-nya, gw pengen bagi" sedikit kebahagiaan ke anak" jalanan yang mungkin belom seberuntung gw. tapi buanyakkk bgt kendalanya yahh kalo mao berbuat baik? arrgh. gw kekurangan pasukan ni.. alias kekurangan kru buat bagi"innya. soalnya anak" greja pada kuliah.. cuma gw doang yang OFF.ahh..
tapi gw dah janji sih, bakal doing anything buat ngelaksanain keinginan gw. :)
as u know, im a lil stubborn girl.. so, i'll do anything to achieve my goals. in positive ways yaaaa tapii..
trus rencananya, malem"nya pengen ngajak anak" greja makan".. pengen ngajak anak LS makan" juga. tapi pasti dipisah lah.. ga mungkin bareng". hahhahahahha
hmm, ada bbrp resto / cafe yang uda jadi top lists gw buat acaranya..
1. gelato bar
2. tomodachi cafe
3. kemang food fest
4. KOI kemang
5. sushi tei
6. etc etc
oiya, gw punya wishlists buat bday gw :
1. pengen ditelp sama housemates and friends di singapore
2. pengen ditelp sama itin
3. pengen have fun seharian!
4. iPhone
5. ke pulau umang or bali or sumwhere with nice sunny beach
gw cabut dulu ya..
mau nonton plus dengerin campus playlist. :)
nanti malem baru posting lagi..
hari ini aga" males kemana" ni.
mustinya hari ini ikut acara siaran prambors.. di campus playlists.
tapiiii.. i can't make it. i cant work my ass to get there. huhu
guys, akhir" ini gw lagi bikin rencana buat bday blast gw ni..
pengennya pas hari H-nya, gw pengen bagi" sedikit kebahagiaan ke anak" jalanan yang mungkin belom seberuntung gw. tapi buanyakkk bgt kendalanya yahh kalo mao berbuat baik? arrgh. gw kekurangan pasukan ni.. alias kekurangan kru buat bagi"innya. soalnya anak" greja pada kuliah.. cuma gw doang yang OFF.ahh..
tapi gw dah janji sih, bakal doing anything buat ngelaksanain keinginan gw. :)
as u know, im a lil stubborn girl.. so, i'll do anything to achieve my goals. in positive ways yaaaa tapii..
trus rencananya, malem"nya pengen ngajak anak" greja makan".. pengen ngajak anak LS makan" juga. tapi pasti dipisah lah.. ga mungkin bareng". hahhahahahha
hmm, ada bbrp resto / cafe yang uda jadi top lists gw buat acaranya..
1. gelato bar
2. tomodachi cafe
3. kemang food fest
4. KOI kemang
5. sushi tei
6. etc etc
oiya, gw punya wishlists buat bday gw :
1. pengen ditelp sama housemates and friends di singapore
2. pengen ditelp sama itin
3. pengen have fun seharian!
4. iPhone
5. ke pulau umang or bali or sumwhere with nice sunny beach
gw cabut dulu ya..
mau nonton plus dengerin campus playlist. :)
nanti malem baru posting lagi..
that's true.. the meaning of VEBRINA. :)
What Vebrina Means |
![]() You are very hyper. You never slow down, even when it's killing you. You're the type of person who can be a workaholic during the day... and still have the energy to party all night. Your energy is definitely a magnet for those around you. People are addicted to your vibe. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
my name's recipes by blogthings
The Recipe For vebrina |
![]() 3 parts Fun 2 parts Beauty 1 part Intellect Splash of Rebellion Finish off with whipped cream |
Monday, March 10, 2008
i should be born on february
Your True Birth Month Is February |
![]() Sharp Ambitious Spendthrift Loves reality Loves freedom Temperamental Low self esteem Honest and loyal Abstract thoughts Daring and stubborn Changing personality Showing anger easily Intelligent and clever Loves aggressiveness Quiet, shy and humble Learns to show emotions Rebellious when restricted Determined to reach goals Superstitious and ludicrous Dislikes unnecessary things Realizing dreams and hopes Too sensitive and easily hurt Loves entertainment and leisure Romantic on the inside not outside Loves making friends but rarely shows it |
envy me?
People Envy Your Ingenuity |
![]() You're a person with unique ideas, big plans, and a zany outlook on life. Many people look to you for inspiration. People envy your creativity and "who cares?" attitude. They feel very ordinary next to you - and they usually are! |
weehee.. me = thanksgiving
You Are Thanksgiving |
![]() You are a bit of a homebody who enjoys being in the company of people you love. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. You're enjoying life as it is. You have many blessings in your life, and you are grateful for each one. You believe that life is about what you *do* have. You feel like you have enough of the good stuff. What makes you celebrate: Family, friends, and the changing of the seasons. At holiday get togethers, you do best as: The host of the party On a holiday, you're the one most likely to: Spend so much energy preparing that it's a full time job |
i'm an apple
You Are an Apple |
![]() You are strong, powerful, and even a bit stubborn at times. You have enough strength to help those around you in trouble. You are adventurous and charming. Many people are drawn to you. You love life, and you enjoy traveling the world. You enjoy fine food, art, and culture. People have accused you of being a snob, but that's not accurate. You do enjoy the best things in life. Unlike snobs, you truly appreciate quality... not just pretend to. |
personality by blogthings
You Are An ENFP |
![]() The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller! In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart. You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts. At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do. You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused |
*LOMOholic.. whaaat?

ya ampun, ni hari bener" kaya masa penampungan informasi tentang LOMO!! googling terasa sangat bermanfaat kalo lagi stuck begini..
oh iya, belom ngasi tau, jadi ceritanya tuh gw lagi tertarik bgt sama LOMO. iya LOMO. L-O-M-O. kamera dengan plastic lens gt. dan kenapa juga gw tertarik dengan kamera model begitu?? ada bbrp alesan, yaitu karena LOMO itu unik. flashnya bisa multicolor. ada lensa fisheye,pinhole. duh, lucu bgt d. trus bentuknya dan seriesnya yang unik2 bikin gw jadi tambah penasaran sama si LOMO ini. hehehe
my LOMO wishlists :
1. diana F +
2. holga multicolor
3. fisheye 2 white
dari 3 lomo itu, gw paling pengen sama diana F+. keren bgtt asli dah..
rencananya sih sabtu depan mau ke aksara kemang buat nanya" seputar lomo sekaligus beli kalo emg uda ga tahan.. hahaa
hmm,, bingung pengen beli semuanya.. tapi belom begitu akrab sama fitur"nya.
aga contradict juga sih antara keinginan dan skill yang ada. hehehehe
ngomong" lomo, ini hari gw baru ajaa balik dari bandung.. (apa hubungannya lomo sama bandung???) hahahhaa anyway, trip ke bandung kali ini aga beda.. kali ini gw memboronggggg apapun yang gw pengen.. aga gila memang. tapiii, itu bukan sekedar kalap mata, tapi emg karna keadaan yg mendesakkkkkkkkkkk buat melakukan kegilaan tsb. hahahahhahahahahahhahahhaha lame reason! heckkk..!!! beberapa pasang sepatu pun ikut menjadi korban kebrutalan belanja gw.. entaaaaahh..
dannnnn guyssssssssssss,,
baru" ini ada sedikit perasaan yang uda lamaaaaa ilang dan ga perna meramaikan kehidupan gw lagi tiba" muncul begitu aja. hahaha. bingung juga kenapa, yang pasti gw berharap perasaan itu cuma sesaat, krn gw ga mau terjebak dalam perasaan sesaat tanpa logika. hahaha ya beginilah gw.. lebi suka mempertimbangkan logika ketimbang perasaan kalo untuk urusan cinta.
sambil nge-blog gw sambil liat" fs temen" sma..
tiba" kepengen ngebuka salah 1 fs temen gw, sebutlah dia dengan MG.
dannnn.. ketikaaaaaa sedang menatap foto" si oknum ini, tiba" gw inget sama kejadian sama dia gt. gw inget bgttt dia perna ngomongin gw dibelakang bersama dengan the weirdosnya.. cih! padahal dulu, kalo abis rapat osis, gw suka nganterin dia pulang.. gw ga perna ngomongin dy di belakang, and i did NOTHING to her!! heeeckkk!! yasudahlah, dia juga uda ngaku salah bersama dengan the weirdos-nya..hmm, cuma gw trauma dan ga mau lagi percaya apalagi temenan sama dia. ahhh.. pokoknya gw keselll.. tiba" jadi berasa pengen marahhhhhh.. arrrrrg.
sebaiknya pembicaraan ini disudahi dulu ketimbang menghasilkan dendam dan amarah membara..
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